Saturday, July 20, 2024

Bullet Misses Trump but Hits Techs

Last weeks call for a repeat for the prior weeks pattern of mid-week weakness worked almost perfectly as Mon-Tue saw minor highs in SPX to 5670 mainly due to strength in DJIA, but the bottom fell out of the tech sector Wed-Thur, dropping the SPX 3% (NDX 6%) to a low of 5520 before a late bounce toward 5550 (target 5500-5550)..  Fri the expected recovery fell short, however, when an apparent update by a cloud-based cyber security firm , Crowdstrike, caused havoc with businesses using MS Windows.  Problems with banks, brokerages and hospitals were widespread and an early rally was sold hard when the news spread, briefly dropping the SPX below 5500 (close 5505).

Several months ago I had discussed one of the main reasons I was expecting an important top near the election was that as the election neared and it became more clear that Trump would win nobody would want to be short.  With the news of the last two weeks of the SCOTUS ruling on Trumps "immunity", Bidens flub of the debate, and recently Trumps assassination attempt with 24/7 coverage, Trump has now emerged as a heavy favorite.  As a result of one of the strongest selloffs in the markets for several months was a strong drop in hedging led by the ETF put/call ratio, now putting some of the INT/LT indicators at levels similar to late 2021.

ST indicators including the ST Composite and VIX call indicator remain at the weak Sell level so only a weak rebound is expected thru EOM.

I. Sentiment Indicators

The INT/LT Composite indicator (outlook 3 to 6+ months) has three separate components. Starting Aug 26, 2023 SPX options are removed due to extreme 0DTE volume distortions. New weights are ETF put-call indicator (30%), SPX 2X ETF INT ratio (40%), and 3rd a volatility indicator (30%) which combines the options volatility spread of the ST SPX (VIX) to the ST VIX (VVIX) with the UVXY $ volume.

Update Alt, INT view. Bearish sentiment turned down to a weak Sell lead by the ETF put/calls.

Update Alt EMA. Bearish sentiment continues its downward trajectory, but well short of what was seen at the early 2020 and 2022 tops. The ST Composite as a ST (1-4 week) indicator includes the NYSE volume ratio indicator (NYDNV/NYUPV & NYDNV/NYDEC) and the UVXY $ Vol/[SPX Trend, SMA only]. Weights are 80%/20%.

Update. Bearish sentiment fell below the weak Sell and closed slightly above it.

Update EMA. Bearish sentiment fell below the weak Sell and closed slightly above it.
The ST VIX calls and SPXADP indicator bearish sentiment  fell below the weak Sell and closed slightly above it.
The ST/INT Composite indicator (outlook 1 to 3 months) is based on the Hedge Spread (48%) and includes ST Composite (12%) and three options FOMO indicators using SPX (12%), ETF (12%), and Equity (12%) calls compared to the NY ADV/DEC issues (inverted). FOMO is shown when strong call volume is combined with strong NY ADV/DEC. See Investment Diary addition for full discussion.

Update EMA. Bearish sentiment fell below a strong Sell and appears to be following the pattern of the last two months of 2021.

Bonds (TNX)Bearish sentiment remains at extreme lows while rates acted negatively after Trumps tax proposals (more deficits). For the INT outlook, the gold miners (HUI) bearish sentiment is presented in a new format using the data mining software to add the inverse TNX rate to the ETF ratio.

Update. Bearish sentiment remains near a strong Buy.

II. Dumb Money/Smart Money Indicators

This is a new hybrid option/ETF Dumb Money/Smart Money Indicator as a INT/LT term (outlook 2-6 mns) bearish sentiment indicator. The use of ETFs increases the duration (term).

Update. Bearish sentiment remains in a tight range around a weak Sell.

With the sister options Hedge Spread as a ST/INT indicator (outlook 1-3 mns), bearish sentiment continues to decline and is now similar to Nov 2021. A new composite SPX options indicator uses both the volume adj (1/B-A) and P/C equivalent spread (A-B) to compensate for the discrepancy between the two.  This replaces the old SPX options indicator for the SPX ETFs + options below and the INT/LT composite. No chart.

For the SPX, I am switching to hybrid 2X ETFs plus SPX options. Taking a look at the INT term composite (outlook 2 to 4 mns), bearish sentiment receded back to neutral.

For the NDX combining the hybrid ETF options plus NDX 3X ETF sentiment with the interest rate effect,  (outlook 2 to 4 mns) bearish sentiment shows similar extremes between ETF and options as in late 2020 which resulted in a choppy market until options sentiment rose.  Note QQQ options are optimal, but are N/A and are included in ETF options.

Bearish sentiment fell sharply again below the strong Sell based on ETF put/calls while 3x ETFs are lower than the Jan 2022 top.

For the SPX combining the hybrid ETF options plus SPX 2X ETF (outlook 2 to 4 mns) produces an indicator where, in this case, ETF options are a proxy for the SPY options.

Bearish sentiment for SPX is nearing a strong Sell while 2x ETFs are near neutral.

III. Options Open Interest

Using Thur closing OI, remember that further out time frames are more likely to change over time, and that closing prices are more likely to be effected. Delta hedging may occur as reinforcement, negative when put support is broken or positive when call resistance is exceeded.  This week I will look out thru July 26 & EOM. A text overlay is used for extreme OI to improve readability, P/C is not changed. This week skips GDX and TLT OI..   A new addition is added for OI $ amounts with breakeven pts (BE) where call & put $ amounts cross.

With Fri close at SPX 5505, options OI for Mon is moderate and heavily skewed to the put side.  Put support is strong at 5500 and moderate up to 5550, call resistance is non-existent until 5700.
Wed has smaller SPX OI where put support extends up to 5985 and a move over 5550 is likely.
For Fri stronger SPX shows put support up to the 5550-5600 and the straddle at 5600 may contain any rallies.  Call resistance is at 5630 .
For Wed EOM strong SPX OI is heavily call biased due to the 5325s but is likely too far ITM to matter.  SPX 5550-5600 looks likely for a close.

IV. Technical / Other

The following uses as a source and discusses S&P futures (ES) as a third venue of stock sentiment in addition to options and ETFs.  The non-commercial/commercial spread represents a LT bearish sentiment (dumb money/smart money) indicator. As explained in investopedia, commercial investors (red) are institutions and are smart money, while non-commercials (green) are speculators such as hedge funds and are dumb money. Here is the current  barchart graph for the S&P 500 (top) and trader positions (1st bot) with positives as net longs and negatives as net shorts.  Bearish sentiment is represented by the spread and is positive if red > green (Buy) and negative if green > red (Sell).  ES (SPX) sentiment is neutral at 0.0 SD, NQ (NDX) is near a weak Sell -0.75 SD, YM (DJIA) is near a weak Sell -0.75 SD.

Click dropdown list to select from the following options:

Tech / Other History



Other Indicators

Conclusions.  It is too difficult to say if last week was the beginning of something more important.  The effects of the "Trump pre-victory" party are likely over so the next few weeks are likely to be driven more by earnings.  The lack of an increase in bearish sentiment does allow for considerable more downside, but such an outcome would probably be event driven such as the Crowdstrike problem Fri.

Weekly Trade Alert.  Looking for a bounce to SPX 5550-600.  Updates @mrktsignals.

Investment DiaryIndicator Primer, Tech/Other Refs,
 update 2021.07.xx  Data Mining Indicators - Update, Summer 2021,
 update 2020.02.07 Data Mining Indicators,
 update 2019.04.27 Stock Buybacks,
 update 2018.03.28 Dumb Money/Smart Money Indicators

Article Index 2019 by Topic, completed thru EOY 2020.02.04
Article Index 2018 by Topic
Article Index 2017 by Topic
Article Index 2016 by Topic

Long term forecasts

© 2024

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